Software in practice. Lawyer delegations are now electronically transmitted in the Romanian Judiciary System

Lawyer delegations are now electronically transmitted in the Romanian Judiciary System


Confronted with the need to align with dramatic shifts in the legal landscape, and in adherence with the regulatory framework governing legal assistance activities, the Bar Association of Bucharest has contracted Opti to overhaul their existing software and processes. Employing strategic coding practices and harnessing a sophisticated technology stack, this project not only caters too it’s immediate need for enhanced efficiency but also establishes the foundation for scalable innovations with the Romanian judicial system.

About the new feature, we quote juridice.ro

By introducing an innovative feature, legal assistance delegations are now electronically transmitted, streamlining the communication process between the court and lawyers. This functionality is activated only if the lawyer has explicitly opted to receive them via email.

To ensure the authenticity of delegations, advanced verification methods have been implemented:

  • QR code - A unique two-dimensional code serving as a distinctive mark for each delegation.
  • Barcode - A distinctive visual mark facilitating quick and precise verification
  • Online verification link - This link allows real-time verification of the current status of the delegation

The same barcodes and QR codes are present in the delegation reports and are required for payment of cost provided by The Ministry of Justice. Representatives from the Service of Legal Assistance (SAJ) verify them before being sent for settlement.

We believe that this feature enhances confidentiality and transparency of information sent between the court and attorneys, representing a major step toward expediting the legal assistance process.


  • Email-based transmissions: The Bar Association of Bucharest and legal professionals may now communicate effectively, thanks to the introduction of an email-based transmission system, representing a major step forward toward the digitalization goals.
  • QR code and bar code validation: Through their integration, a strong authentication procedure is achieved, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of all transmitted delegations.
  • Flawless Technical Ecosystem: Adoption of collaborative coding practices has facilitated seamless integration between our development, the Bar Association systems, and the District Court’s infrastructure, ensuring a safe and cohesive technical environment.

Technologies used: php

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