OPTI launches elearning.steftoma.com, Romania's First Photography E-Learning Platform

OPTI launches elearning.steftoma.com, Romania's First Photography E-Learning Platform

In June 2023, OPTI launched Romania's first photography e-learning platform.

The platform is aimed at students enrolled in photography courses and supports multiple courses that can run simultaneously, with varying numbers of sessions and different clips and tests.

Individual course enrollments are based on a unique code obtained through purchase and completion of an initial data questionnaire (access to lessons is only granted after registration confirmation).

The platform's administration panel integrates a module for tests and dynamic forms to create courses for those who have purchased access. The status of individual course participation for students is displayed, and details can be searched using filters such as course, date, 100% completion status, etc.

The student is alerted that they must continuously follow the lesson while being recorded (any pause or interruption requires reloading the lesson). They are assessed once every two sessions (with multiple-choice questions, a progress bar, and a passing condition). To proceed to a new lesson, it is mandatory to answer a minimum number of questions correctly.

Students can upload photo files, download a PDF and/or video file at the end of each session (containing the information from that session), and always have access to a Questions and Answers section where they can ask questions to which trainers will respond.

Trainers can easily and quickly monitor students' progress (viewable overview with filterable progress bars).

The platform displays the daily exam calendar and reminds that exams are held periodically, live, with personnel authorized by the National Authority for Qualifications.

The platform can be accessed here.

OPTI is the technological partner of elearning.steftoma.com, and we are proud of this collaboration.

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