Scoala-evrika.ro - Educational website by OPTI

Scoala-evrika.ro - Educational website by OPTI

At the beginning of April 2023, the Școala Evrika (”Evrika School”) website was launched, a new Bucharest school that believes in the potential of every child to change the world.

For children and parents, enrollment in Școala Evrika is facilitated, as well as access to information about the facilities offered, educational principles, curriculum area and school faculty.

Scoala Evrika

Interactive photo and video materials attract the attention of the public, we especially recommend the video clip of the history of the expression "evrika", with the participation of the school's director, Marcel Bartic.

Among the sections:

  • A news section where visitors can read announcements, events and news related to the activities carried out;
  • A section with the school's teachers, which contains details about each teacher and their approach to education;
  • A section with educational facilities and school services;
  • The contact section allows visitors to send feedback.

OPTI is the technological partner of Scoala Evrika and we are proud of this collaboration.

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